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Jun 27, 2024

Energize Your Business or Agency with our Creative as a Service Platform

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing and design, businesses and agencies need innovative solutions and partners to stay ahead. The Shed Creative's Creative as a Service (CaaS) model is designed to bolt onto your team or agency to deliver best-in-class creative assets, including visual design, content, and comprehensive campaigns on the fly.

What is Creative as a Service (Caas)? 

The Shed Creative's unique CaaS platform provides seamless and scalable creative solutions to agencies and businesses who need a partner behind the scenes to energize their output. With this model, companies can access design and content writing services – from ads and videos to websites and presentations - through a monthly subscription, eliminating the need for hiring and managing an in-house team. This not only reduces overhead costs but ensures that businesses can grow, move fast, and access high-quality and seriously vetted creative talent on demand. 

Scalability and Flexibility 

One of the key benefits of the CaaS subscription is its scalability. Businesses and agencies can adjust their creative output to match their changing needs without the hassle and cost of recruiting and training new staff.  

CaaS offers businesses the flexibility to grow and respond swiftly to market trends and client demands, ensuring their creative strategies are relevant and effective​. With unlimited requests and a range of services at your fingertips, companies can access creative and strategic solutions on the fly. 

Where Partnership Meets Platform  

The Shed Creative goes beyond the traditional agency and is more like a partner extension of your team. With a CaaS subscription, you get on-demand access to real creative talent worldwide. Whether you need original digital ads, email designs, websites, or multi-channel campaigns, our team will create compelling visual and content stories that make an impact and help businesses achieve their goals. Our project management platform, The Shed Workbench, makes collaboration, tracking, and efficiency a breeze.  

The Shed Creative Workbench 

The Shed Creative’s new Workbench (where your tools are!) is an innovative management platform designed to streamline collaboration, project management, and insight gathering. The Workbench allows businesses, brands, and especially partner agencies to manage their creative projects efficiently from a single portal - track progress and efforts, provide feedback, and communicate with creative and internal teams.  

This centralized dashboard, which can be branded for each agency workspace, enhances productivity and ensures that stakeholders are aligned and informed throughout the project lifecycle. The platform’s integrated workflows and analytics provide scalable blueprints and insights, helping teams refine their strategies and achieve better outcomes​. The platform also offers complete visual oversight and accountability for project managers.  

Introducing the New Projects Management Dashboard 

At The Shed Creative, we know how challenging it can be to keep track of multiple client projects, especially when you’re moving fast and need to stay on top of every detail. A brand-new feature in our Workbench platform - the Projects Dashboard – makes project management easier and keeps your team more productive and organized. 

Why You’ll Love This 

The Projects Dashboard brings all your project information together in one place, giving you a clear view of what’s happening, what’s coming up, and what needs your action. No more spreadsheets or trying to piece together updates from emails and different apps. The Projects Dashboard lets you manage client projects seamlessly from a single dashboard.  

Partner agencies can have their own branded space to manage clients and projects and request deliverables with The Shed Creative team as the production backbone.  

“Another step forward around The Shed's creative-as-a-service,” said Jake Sapirstein, Head of Strategy at LiftCentro. “A brilliant concept and much needed for brands and agencies alike.” 

What It Can Do:  Centralized View: Get all your projects, tasks, and client interactions at your fingertips. Interactive Widgets: Click to filter projects by status—see what’s launching soon, what’s delayed, and more Real-Time Insights: Instantly see which projects are on track, which need a nudge, and which are in the danger zone. 

Expand Your Agency with Create as a Service by The Shed Creative The Shed Creative's CaaS model is a powerful tool for businesses and agencies looking to elevate their design and content marketing strategies. By providing scalable, flexible, and innovative solutions, The Shed enables companies to stay ahead in a competitive landscape. Whether you need a branding overhaul or ongoing creative support, The Shed Creative is your partner in achieving remarkable results. Ready to take your project management to the next level? Book a demo and we’ll walk you through how The Shed’s Workbench can benefit your business. We’re here to make managing your clients’ creative projects as easy and efficient as possible. For more information on our services and capabilities, please contact Mike Speiran, Head of Business Development, at     

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